Support for Improving Educational Environment for Children Affected by Conflict in Eastern Afghanistan

Support for Improving Educational Environment for Children Affected by Conflict in Eastern Afghanistan
Duration April 15, 2024 – July 14, 2024

This project aims to enhance the educational environment for children in conflict-affected areas by setting up 24 makeshift classroom tents in three public schools in Pachir Agam district, Nangarhar Province. These facilities, equipped with essential materials like blackboards, desks, and chairs, provide 3,405 children with a safe and secure space to learn.

Target Schools:

Pas Sabar Female High School

Bama Khail Female Middle School

Landa Khail High School


Coordination and Communication:
YVO collaborates closely with school teachers, local government officials, and community representatives to assess needs and finalize required supplies.

Installation of Makeshift Classrooms:
The procured items delivered and installed at the target schools. Tasks like earthwork for setting up tents will involve local residents and teachers, fostering community participation and ownership.

Monitoring and Feedback:
Following installation, YVO staff conduct site visits to inspect the facilities and gather feedback through interviews with teachers and students to ensure the project's effectiveness and address any challenges.

This initiative designed to alleviate the challenges faced by schools lacking proper infrastructure due to conflict. By creating conducive learning environments, the project ensures that thousands of children have daily access to education in a safe and supportive setting