First Aid Project for School teachers Students / Education

First Aid for School teachers Students

This project and series of training were designed specifically for school teachers and students

Our aim is to equip as many students as possible with a sound knowledge of First Aid. The students are taught the importance of staying calm during a first aid emergency and how/when to use the lifesaving skills they have acquired.

The training is delivered by YVO staff, using active participation methods. We feel our students learn most effectively when they learn through movement; the training therefore involves role-play and lots of hands-on practice with training aids. The paths are not taught using ‘shock tactics’ but are conducted in a light and fun environment.

Course Content

The course can include the following subjects. We also run the course to fulfil the requirements of the first aid element

  • What is First Aid?
  • Communication and casualty care
  • primary survey
  • resuscitation
  • recovery position
  • bleeding
  • bites and stings
  • burns and scalds
  • heat exhaustion
  • bone, muscle and joint injuries


The  content and duration adapted for each schools in targeted community. and sometime run daily sessions or day (or so).