AFJR Project Nangarhar

Project title: AFJR Project Nangarhar

Brief description of the project


Women, boys, and girls affected by crisis have improved resilience due to effective and quality health, child protection services and basic needs assistance.

Expected impact

Women, boys, and girls affected by crisis have improved resilience due to effective and quality health, child protection services and basic needs assistance.


Objective 1: Prevent, reduce, and eliminate economic and social vulnerabilities for young adults and prevent them from the Worst Forms of Child Labour for the most vulnerable young adults, male and female.

Objective 2: Provision of sub-grant to the most vulnerable families to buy essential items.

Objective 3: Provide PSS support for the vocational training beneficiaries to support and mentor them holistically.

Objective 4: supporting the most vulnerable families in selected district with the multi-purpose cash distribution

240 males and females are fully trained in Vocational training, 400 of the most vulnerable families are provided with Sub-grants with close coordination with MoLSA and DoLSA (Line Mistry/directorate).

The VT graduated beneficiaries and Sub grants (small businesses) provided families have an income for their families and changes their life status in a respective manner.

The most vulnerable beneficiaries spend the MPC on their basic needs.

Key beneficiaries

Most Vulnerable Households, Child Labor, and Early Marriage cases through case management

- 240 male and females are fully trained in Vocational training, based on market needs assessment and beneficiary’s consent, the vocational training are provided with learning materials and a VT Graduation kit upon completing the course, with close coordination with MoLSA and DoLSA (Line Mistry/directorate)

- PSS support and Literacy education is provided to all 240 Vocational training beneficiaries.

-  Provision of 400 sub-grants to the most vulnerable families to buy essential items, such as tools and equipment like sewing machines, and working tools, to support livelihoods.

The MPC beneficiaries support their family on the basic needs.

Project phase    April 2023 – December 2023


The  Afghanistan Joint Response project was started in December-2016 after the influx of returees from Pakistan and the internal displacement in some of the provinces, the projects were launched in order to meet the pressing need of the vulnerable displaced and host population.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Netherland funds the project through Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA).

In the current project, which is for two years 2022 to 2023, There are 5 partners in AFJR (2022-2023) (Intersos , World Vision, SCI , TDH and Cordaid) with Cordaid is the leading agency.

Provinces: Kandahar, Herat and Nangarhar, The partners operate in (Kandahar):  Intersos & SCI =MPC, Health and FSL , The partners operated in (Herat): World Vision = MPC, Health and FSL and the partners operate in (Nangarhar) :Tdh and Cordaid, Tdh direct implementation and Cordaid via ( OWH and RRAA ).

As per the project scope, Tdh implemented the projects’ activities (FSL, MPC, Protection and Health)

in 2022, However, in 2023 Tdh will have a local partner to implement the FSL component child protection and MPC in Nangarhar province which will be fully technically supported by different departments ( Log, Finance, M/E and Program) of Tdh, Moreover, Tdh will continue its implementation of MPC, Health and protection in 2023.

Local context

The project is being implemented in the remote and bordering districts of Nanharhar province.

Specific districts:                                                                                    

  • Kot
  • Bati Kot
  • Momandara
  • Lalpora


Most Vulnerable Households, Child Labor, and Early Marriage cases through case management

- 240 male and females are fully trained in Vocational training, based on market needs assessment and beneficiary’s consent, the vocational training are provided with learning materials and a VT Graduation kit upon completing the course, with close coordination with MoLSA and DoLSA (Line Mistry/directorate).

- Market assessment for The VT selections in the districts with close coordination with DoLSA office of Nangarhar.

- PSS support and Literacy education is provided to all 240 Vocational training beneficiaries.

- The most vulnerable vocational training beneficiaries to be provided with case management based on their needs.

-  Provision of 400 sub-grant to the most vulnerable families to buy essential items, such as tools and equipment like sewing machines, and working tools, to support livelihoods.

-supporting with the MPC for the most vulnerable family with the new top up amount. (that will be discussed separately with the YVO.


The partner organization will implement the activities mentioned above in section 3, the partner should coordinate with line directorates to gain required permission both on the provincial and district level.

Tdh will provide the partner with the required technical support and capacity building, Tdh will closely monitor/supervise the activities to provide the partner will timely feedback.

There should be regularly and the quarterly meeting between Tdh and the partner so that the hurdles and required support is provided.

Quality assurance

The beneficiaries selection should through pre-defined selection criteria with gender balance, the Vocational training beneficiaries’ age should be above 14 years, The vocational training ( VT) should be provided to beneficiaries as per the approved curriculum from DoLSA Nangarhar, the VT beneficiaries to be provided with PSS and Literacy education so that for PSS to have the PSS kits available with space time for PSS activities, the Literacy learning materials should be obtained from DoEc ( Directorate of education) and should be per the DoEc curriculum.