Urgent food support for vulnerable households in remote areas of Nangarhar (JPF9)


JPF Program Title: Afghanistan Humanitarian Response Program (Supplemental Budget)

Project Name: Urgent Food Support for Vulnerable Households in Remote Areas of Nangarhar

Project Period: April 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023 (extended by two months)

Project Purpose

The project aimed to provide urgent food assistance to 407 vulnerable households in Pachir Aw Agam District, Nangarhar Province, and addressing critical food insecurity in remote and underserved areas.

Key Activities and Implementation Details

Targeted Cash Assistance:

Distributed cash for food assistance over two months to 407 selected households.

Ensured coordination with Afghan authorities, the Food Security Cluster, WFP, local communities, and other stakeholders to avoid duplication and ensure equitable beneficiary selection.

Shared project progress updates with relevant stakeholders throughout implementation.

Project Registration and Compliance:

Successfully registered the project with the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development to ensure compliance with Afghan regulations.

Selection of Hawala Agent:

Identified and contracted the most reliable and appropriate Hawala agent for cash disbursement, documenting the entire selection process to ensure transparency and accountability.

Cash Token Distribution:

Distributed tokens for cash to pre-approved beneficiaries in Pachir Aw Agam District, which could be redeemed for food assistance.

Health Awareness Campaigns:

Conducted COVID-19 awareness sessions during the first token distribution to educate beneficiaries on preventive measures.

Protection and Accountability:

Prioritized protection against sexual exploitation and harassment (PSEA) and safeguarded beneficiary data.

Implemented robust measures to ensure the safety of both beneficiaries and project staff.

Followed “do no harm” principles, ensuring that all activities upheld the dignity and well-being of beneficiaries.

Established a clear grievance redressal mechanism to allow beneficiaries to raise concerns or provide feedback.

Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM):

Conducted monitoring visits to all beneficiaries after cash distributions to assess the utilization of cash assistance and gather feedback on the program’s impact.

Commitment to Humanitarian Standards

The project was implemented in full compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS), ensuring that all activities met the highest standards of transparency, effectiveness, and respect for beneficiaries' rights.


This project provided critical support to 407 vulnerable households in Nangarhar Province, enabling them to access essential food supplies during a challenging period. It addressed immediate food security needs while maintaining a strong focus on accountability, protection, and community engagement.