Cash Transfer on Food for Vulnerable Households in Remote areas of Nangarhar JPF7

JPF Program Title: Afghanistan Humanitarian Response Program (Emergency Response Phase)
Project Name: Cash Transfer for Food Assistance to Vulnerable Households in Remote Areas of Nangarhar
Project Period: July 16, 2022 – April 14, 2023

Project Purpose

The purpose of this project was to provide urgent food assistance to vulnerable households in Nangarhar, particularly in remote areas, to address food insecurity and support families during critical times.

Project Contents

This project focuses on delivering cash for food assistance over a period of five months, targeting 515 households in the Pachir Aw Agam district of Nangarhar Province. The project aims to meet the immediate food needs of the most vulnerable families by providing cash transfers, allowing them to purchase essential food items.

Key Activities:

Coordination and Beneficiary Selection:
YVO coordinates with Afghan authorities, the Food Security Cluster, WFP (World Food Programme), local communities, and other stakeholders to select beneficiaries. Careful attention is paid to avoid duplication of assistance and to ensure all stakeholders are informed of project progress throughout the implementation period.

MOU with Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD):
An MOU was signed with MRRD to formalize the project implementation. The project is also registered with the Ministry of Economics, ensuring compliance with national regulations.

Cash Distribution (Token System):
Tokens are distributed to approved beneficiaries, who can exchange them for cash. This system ensures a secure and efficient distribution process, enabling beneficiaries to access much-needed food supplies.

COVID-19 Awareness Sessions:
On the occasion of the first token distribution, COVID-19 awareness sessions are conducted to inform beneficiaries about health and safety measures to prevent the spread of the virus in their communities.

Protection and Accountability:
Throughout the project, due attention is given to protection against sexual exploitation and harassment, ensuring the security of both beneficiaries and project staff. Beneficiaries' information is kept confidential, and the "do no harm" principles are strictly adhered to. All beneficiaries are fully informed of the complaint and feedback mechanisms, allowing them to raise any concerns related to the project.

Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM):
After each cash distribution, visits are made to all beneficiaries to conduct post-distribution monitoring (PDM). This monitoring process ensures that the assistance is being used appropriately and provides feedback for continuous improvement.

Core Humanitarian Standards

The project is implemented with strict adherence to the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability, ensuring transparency, effectiveness, and accountability in all stages of implementation.